Friday, October 15, 2010


A ship sailing in the high seas will get nowhere if it is directionless and doesn't know the destination towards which it is moving. The same is the case with our young men and women who are directionless and don't know the purpose for which they are bestirring themselves. Success comes only to those who have a fixed objective in their lives and move toward it in a systematic and methodical way. The Society itself can gain only from those person who have a sense of mission in their lives and tread the path of honesty, integrity and uprightness. These factors alone constitute the wrap and woof of great accomplishments in the part of individuals and the society.
It is distressing to note that in our country,there is continuous increases in acts of violence which manifests in different forms, viz.,greed, envy,avarice,jealousy,hatred,power seeking etc. resulting in exploitation, torture,killing, rape,kidnapping etc. Does any of us try to know as to why such things are happening in this land of Gautam Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi, whom the world calls the apostles of peace? If we were to consider carefully about it, we would come to the conclusion that the fault lies within us; our attitude towards our life and living is the cause of all the ills and sufferings. For our misfortune, and misery,we are to blame ourselves, and not any outside person or agency.
A little pondering will give us the answer as to why, just a few years ago, this did not happen or conditions in the society were much better i.e. more peaceful, more harmonious, more congenial,and more assuring. It can safely be said that in the so called immediate past, living was simple and serene. Functions were held in an atmosphere of affection and joy. Today, everything seems to have changed and becoming quite different. Living has become complex and function cannot be held with without police protection and one one is always apprehensive as to what may happen the next moment, so much so,that our examinations can be conducted only under the shadow of the latish and barrels of police force.
It is a paradoxical situation that everyone is interested in giving highest education to everyone, but everyone is not interested in getting the maximum benefits of education. There is There is very little interest in utilizing the benefits of learning together in peace, in harmony and in an atmosphere of fellowship. The objective of education is seems to have shrunk to enable the student to earn money by hook or by crook, to go ahead even by pushing and pulling back his or her companions.Education has been made to have a very limited purpose-the purpose of acquiring pelf and power and that too by the shortest rout and cut-throat methods.The most unfortunate part of this paradoxical situation is that the elite of the society encourage this tendency and give protection to the wrong doers.
The Great thinker and social workers talk of bringing formal education to each and every doors because they think that this would fight out the devils of ignorance and poverty and teach our children to lead a comfortable life in an honest way.
Education has made you what you are and the end of your life is not merely getting knowledge but to put knowledge to beneficial purposes.
But this cannot happen unless you know why you are spending the best years of your life in a college or a university and what is the aim of your life after you have finished your education. That would make you more devoted to your education, and develop a better sense of duty and responsibility.

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