Friday, October 15, 2010


life is journey through a series of incarnations. We have come a long way,We have got to go a long way.
The word journey brings to one's mind a goal to be reached and a path to be traversed. The trio of destination,road and movement ever go together, and each has a significance in relation to the other two.
We have developed the notion of separateness,forgetting that there is one force flowing in everything from the biggest planet to the tiniest particle. In such a universe there is no sharp division between the animate and inanimate, the living and the dead. The great philosopher American Author "Emerson" has written that "God reappears with all his parts in every moss and cobweb".
Therefor, when we use energy, we are using the one energy, which all have in common, the energy of the immanent. In this context, these words of the great scientist 'Albert Einstein' are of very great importance "A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the Universe".
The Time for breaking up the shell must come in everybody's life, the personality with all its spikes must be shattered; we must be prepared or willing to undergo that process just as the chestnut does. We can tread on the path until we have, in some measure, rid ourselves of personal idiosyncrasies. for such experience and its impact requisite sensitivity is required , so, one such goal, as referred to above, could be the gaining of sensitivity at all levels, the physical, the astral, the mental. we can see for ourselves how increased sensitivity, even at the physical level, leads an artist to the treasures hidden in nature, denied to the common man.
To grow in sensitivity is to grow in perception. Right perception alone can lead us to right living. for this, we need refinement ans sensitivity of our astral and mental bodies, which are our vehicles for our emotions and thoughts. The free flow of life brings us face to face with the truth, which is wisdom. Truth has to do with relationship in the universe, which comes with wider vision and perception of wholeness.
One such route,Leading to the goal may be the worship of omnipresent God. But then, what is meant by god? God was invented to designate the unknown cause of those effects, which man either admired or dreaded without understanding them.As mentioned in 'Iris unveiled' a man can have no god that is not bounded by his own human conception. The wider the sweep of one's spiritual vision, the mightier will be his deity or God. The concept of personal God has often led to many a distortion and fulfillment of self interest.This aspect of deity has been defined as 'Ignorance created God and cunning took advantage of it'. But in place of personal God,if we try to perceive impersonal God, the whole aspect may change. There is one indivisible and absolute omniscience and intelligence in the universe and this throbs throughout cosmos, every atom,and infinitesimal point of the whole finite cosmos which has no bounds. Those, who worship before it, ought to do so in silence and in the sanctified solitude of their souls, making their good action the only priests, and their sinful inventions the only sacrificial victims. This would give the worshiper the requisite sensitivity, susceptibility to grow in vision perception.
It is in this feeling of belonging to a larger 'we' which is the essence in the social life. The mature individual is one, who finds that in his service to a larger 'we' lies his own success and development. This is to materialise not in a vague heavenly world or in a distant golden age, but here and now within the priceless heritage of a human form.

1 comment:

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